
How the U.S. Presidential Election Is Ratcheting Up Risk for Fashion Stocks



How the U.S. Presidential Election Is Ratcheting Up Risk for Fashion Stocks

Matt Katz shares key considerations for retailers navigating today’s complex market in this WWD article.

Matt reflects on the behavior of retail stocks so far this year, “It felt as if the sectors were driving movement in stock. Everyone talked about this barbell where luxury and discount were really moving, and in the middle were lots of troubles. Then there was some conversation around the true digital darlings, and then it was going to be the large conglomerates, multi-branded businesses, and then it was the combination of direct to consumer branded and store-based retailers.”

He ties this behavior into the recent changes we’ve seen in the market, “There’s uncertainty about weather, there’s uncertainty about the market, there’s uncertainty about housing, there’s uncertainty about isolation versus global cooperation. There’s continued conflict in the world. Supply chains are tough. Travel might be impacted.”

He continues, noting priorities for retailers aiming to get ahead, “Agility is important. Having flexibility with capital and cash to do the things you want to do when you see the opportunity, that’s always been a strategy, but it doesn’t work unless you have the agility to pivot.”

Read the full article HERE


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