
Accelerating Operating Model Transformation with Digital Lean

SSA & Company’s Digital Lean Online is a key component of our accelerated digital transformation solutions that blend pragmatism and ambition to deliver short-term results that fuel long-term growth. Recognizing that over 70% of digital transformation initiatives fail due to insufficient execution and adoption of change, Digital Lean Online addresses these pitfalls by using digital tools for lean/agile frameworks to:

  • Drive collaboration and transparency with clear communication of what changes are necessary to reach your goals and why
  • Propel execution and results by breaking down digital transformation into meaningful and manageable pieces of change, sequenced into a path to success
  • Accelerate benefits as the experience and project work is digitized and can be immediately shared and leveraged throughout the company

Our facilitators guide your employees through this collaborative, virtual training course as they remotely learn and apply the Lean methodology to a specific business issue, enabling them to identify and reduce waste, reduce cycle time, and improve productivity by institutionalizing the transformational future state. The use of collaborative software and video conferencing help spur the digital ways of working we are trying to ingrain within organizations through digital transformation. The course environment promotes knowledge sharing and safe learning and ensures deliverables and takeaways can be quickly shared with current and future teams.

Digital Lean Online is not simply training and coaching delivered remote. It is a tool to digitally enable operating model transformation. We focus on supporting our clients in scoping, planning, and executing specific real-world projects. By layering in tools and techniques from agile and design thinking, we create true digital workspaces that allow for collaborative application of the Lean techniques taught in the sessions.

Completing this online program establishes your Digital Lean change agents, leading, and expanding your digital transformation journey, driving true adoption and culture change, even across a (suddenly) remote workforce. These Digital Lean change agents collaborate with the organization to deliver additional projects and digital solutions, using Lean, in key situations. This approach catalyzes the evolution of your dynamic, digitized operating model through the delivery of quick wins, results, and momentum by instilling Digital Lean ways of working throughout the organization. These will be the companies successfully Sprinting with Digital.

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